Ferraro's words, "if Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position" were not racist. It is insulting, rude, shallow and very telling for Obama and his campaign to take Ferraro's comment out-of-context and spin it into some racist rhetoric.
This is precisely one of the big problems with American society at the moment. If a white person even mentions race, no matter how innocent the comment, the white is slandered as a racist.
Good for Ferraro for not backing down! The facts are there and we all know that Obama is where he is because he offers symbolic hope, in part because of his color, in part because he's different than the white presidents we've had in the past and in part, perhaps, because he's an underdog. Hilary is probably seen as privledged because she's a white woman who has Bill as a backer. Although that is true, Americans very much live in a society that is sexist... plain and simple. It's a shame, but it's true.
As a man, would you rather have any man in office than any woman? Be honest. Would having a woman as president put your old boy's club status (which all men belong to regardless of race) in jeopardy? For a lot of American men I believe the answer is yes.
Obama may be an underdog due to his race, but I believe Clinton is more of an underdog due to the misogynistic rhetoric we live with in our daily lives which runs rampant in American culture. Clinton has never once played the 'gender' card. Obama is freely and continually playing the 'race' card and it's getting out-of-hand.
People, think about it. You may be shallow enough to buy into Obama's bogus allegations regarding Ferraro but if he were to become president and had to deal with international affairs and someone said something he didn't like, how would he respond? Would he automatically try to use the 'race' card? Man, I hope not. Can you imagine how little credibility America would have overseas, at that point. As if our exchange rate and global credibility isn't far enough down the toilet.
Clinton was right was she said, "Dr. King's dream began to be realized when President Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act" If blacks, or anyone else for that matter, thinks that MLK was the first person to ever care about civil rights than they need a new history lesson. This race crap is out-of-control if it is that far fetched from the truth and people believe it.
Yes, there have been many messed up laws which existed that were not good for people - both blacks and women. If you are unaware of it at and before the turn of the century (1900s) women fought for equal rights and fought for this with blacks in many instances because both women and blacks lacked many of the same rights - such as the right to vote and to own property. This was a solid 60-80 years before MLK made his speech.
I believe Lincoln thought slaves should be free and I also believe a lot of whites fought to free the slaves. I'm also quite sure that I decend form some of those whites as we moved to America in 1623, for the most horrendous reason of civilizing the Indians. I'm Irish and very aware of how anglo men treated Irish woman through the times of indentured servitude and how some of that same inappropriate culture remains in today's American society. Are you? If not, you should be because it's part of our history, as Americans.
It's been a long road for all of us. And hopefully all of us have been learning very important lessons along the way.
I was too young to vote for Mondale/Ferraro and honestly, I'm not sure that I would have. I didn't think Mondale was the strongest candidate and I didn't particularly care for Ferraro. It wasn't because she was a woman, it was because she just rubbed me wrong. The fact that she's standing behind her words today gives me a whole new level of respect for her -one that I'm losing for Clinton due to her's weak reaction to Ferraro's comment which was probably due to Clinton's fear of isolating potential voters - not a good call. It's important to know your president will stand strong when times get tough and damn Clinton for not doing that in this instance.
That being said, Clinton's political positions are solid. She's proven herself and her dedication to our country over time and through her actions. I am a Hilary supporter because I think she would be very good for the citizens of America and is our best presidential candidate. She has earned my political loyalty. Hilary clearly has the best chance of moving our country forward.
Who gives a crap about Obama's color. Sheesh! The question is would he make a good president and from everything I can tell the answer is a resounded NOT A CHANCE. Unfortunately, that probably means he'll be elected president since I also felt so strongly against Bush and enough morons in our country voted him in office as well. (I'm not addressing the Florida issue and perhaps noteworthy, I was a FL resident at the time.)
Do you really need to wait until a year-and-a-half after Obama has been in office to realize he's full of hot air and doesn't really have a platform. This is a huge problem folks. Our international standing is shaky, at best, right now. We need to improve our global reputation and I simply don't see that Obama can give that to us.
The least Obama should have done was to say, 'Yes, Ferraro is right, but I'm learning along the way, I'm glad I've been given this opportunity, I have a great platform and a great team, here I am and I'm grateful that I'm here because I'm right for the job' and then layout his plan in detail. Instead, he runs for the 'race' card and denies the obvious. Ouch. How can he be good for our country if he lives in denial of the obvious or refuses to admit it. It's not like having an edge is a disadvantage. It's not like riding a wave is a bad thing. It's not like it's a bad thing that the US is ready for some real change. It is bad that he's pretending this isn't the case. I don't trust that.
People, get your sh*t together. Soon, the US will not be financially strong enough to dig itself out of it's globally weak position. We are a country of spoiled brats who have never known what it's like not to be globally powerful. We won't like it if that day comes.
Please think before you vote. Don't listen to the headlines. Listen to the full debates. Listen to what the candidates say and how they respond. Don't vote race. Don't vote gender. Clear your thinking from the rhetoric and stigmas and please choose the person you truly believe can best meet the needs of American citizens. It's really important this time around. We are in new territory, internationally, and we better be careful.
Other countries are getting stronger while America is getting weaker. That is not sensationalism. It's a fact. We need a president who can be strong at home, in America, because without internal strength we won't have international respect. Other countries have money, too. Other countries import and export. We don't have a lot to export, so when our dollar is weak and we aren't importing as much our overall value internationally declines. Further, our greed ridden society's execution of the foreclosure market has hit the international community and they probably don't appreciate it much. Do I even need to mention how devastatingly bad the Iraq war has been to America's overall reputation worldwide?
Get it together. Pick the president you feel will be there for you, your family and your country because if our president doesn't fit those perimeters that president will not be a strong international figure.
I heard a black woman say, "It's a hard choice. Should I vote my gender or my race".
Please don't vote that way. This isn't a 'I'm a girl', 'I'm a black' club. This is an "I'm an American" club and the stakes are our country. Vote for the person you feel will best serve you, your family and your country.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Think Beyond Skin Color and Gender When Voting for Your President
There is no doubt Obama's quick rise is in part because of his race. Strong black Clinton supporters have had little choice but to jump ship and join the Obama team. It is a race issue. At present, black leaders need to fully support Obama no matter what their personal opinion for fear of losing the respect of their black community.
God forbid a white person say what is glaringly evident. It is no suprise that Obama's top strategist, David Axelrod, would try to use Geraldine Ferraro's words, "If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position" against her and the Clinton campaign.
Axelrod claims this is an "insidious pattern that needs to be addressed". Damn straight. Let's address it! The Clintons have always been forerunners when it comes to equal rights and caring for the needs of all people - no matter religion, race, gender, sexual preference, low income, etc.
Clinton is not losing the black vote because of her past track record. She is losing the black vote because blacks feel there is a strong chance a they can actually get a black in office and blacks are very loyal to their own kind. Blacks are not the only group voting for Obama but if you're black chances are very good you will vote Obama and in many states this has made a big difference in the polls.
This is by no means a 'wink and nod' notion as Axelrod suggests and the accusation is deflamatory, insulting and completely inappropriate. Axelrod's strategy is to defecate all over Geraldine's reputation whether she deserves it or not and in the state of American society it's that easy to do it if you even try to suggest something might be racially motivated.
Duh!!!! Blacks are voting for Obama because he's black. Don't believe me? Check the polls. It's an obvious fact not a 'wink and nod'. Ferraro's words aren't far fetched accusations, allegations or slander. It's easier then first grade math. But no, Americans are too tuned into strategists sound bites and tuned out of reality to call Axelrod's accusations what they are - racially motivated slander.
There is nothing wrong for voting for anyone you want to vote for, just remember that this person will be your president for the next four years. Try to take race and sex out of it. If you vote for Hilary because she's a woman then you're a fool. If you vote for Obama because he's black you're a fool. If you refuse to vote for Hilary because she's a woman then you're a fool. If you refuse to vote for Obama because he's black they you are a fool.
Vote for the candidate with the best track record that you believe will be able to do the best for you, your family and your country over the next four years.
Look at Bush Jr and how he has destroyed not only so many lives in America but in Iraq as well. Many of you voted for this moron. Think good and hard before you put anyone else in office.
Yes, we need change. A black man or a woman cannot bring true change simply because of the color of their skin or their gender.
This is your country. Own it. Learn about your candidates.
What is it you want in the next four years? Do you want better wages and living conditions for you and your family? From Clinton's track record I can only assume she can help you get there and will work hard to try.
Do you remember when her husband was first put in office and she took Health Care head on. She worked hard toward that goal as the media and politicians scoffed at her attempts to bring universal health care to our country. She pounded the pavement, learned and shared her knowledge. She was beat down and put in her place.
It was pathetic how our government never even gave her a chance... and yes, because she was a woman and because it would have hurt big business. But this woman kept coming back, she kept showing how much she cared for the average American, the working class, those who were getting by. Clinton knows most of America is not made up of the 1% who seem to be running the country as present. Clinton knows the country is made up of people like you and me and that this is our country and that we are the people she needs to serve. I know this because I've seen Clinton in action over the years. She's not a sound bite. She's a dedicated citizen of our country trying to make it a better place for all Americans.
The point is that what she looks like doesn't matter. Her actions matter. Her actions match the needs of this country. She can make this America a better place for all Americans and therefore a better place in the global economy which is a currently a huge American concern.
Honestly, I don't know much about Obama but each time I listen to him speak he's full of empty sound thirty seconds bites that don't seem to carry much weight. I'm worried that he doesn't actually have a plan but rather good a campaign which is fed to him.
We are finally getting rid of a completely moronic president who should never have been in office and didn't care about the needs of Americans. Instead he cared about big business, Haliburton an Exxon.
You better think beyond skin color and gender, start looking beyond sound bites and campaign strategies and start looking at who will help you, your family and your country succeed over the next four years. This is your country. Act like it!
God forbid a white person say what is glaringly evident. It is no suprise that Obama's top strategist, David Axelrod, would try to use Geraldine Ferraro's words, "If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position" against her and the Clinton campaign.
Axelrod claims this is an "insidious pattern that needs to be addressed". Damn straight. Let's address it! The Clintons have always been forerunners when it comes to equal rights and caring for the needs of all people - no matter religion, race, gender, sexual preference, low income, etc.
Clinton is not losing the black vote because of her past track record. She is losing the black vote because blacks feel there is a strong chance a they can actually get a black in office and blacks are very loyal to their own kind. Blacks are not the only group voting for Obama but if you're black chances are very good you will vote Obama and in many states this has made a big difference in the polls.
This is by no means a 'wink and nod' notion as Axelrod suggests and the accusation is deflamatory, insulting and completely inappropriate. Axelrod's strategy is to defecate all over Geraldine's reputation whether she deserves it or not and in the state of American society it's that easy to do it if you even try to suggest something might be racially motivated.
Duh!!!! Blacks are voting for Obama because he's black. Don't believe me? Check the polls. It's an obvious fact not a 'wink and nod'. Ferraro's words aren't far fetched accusations, allegations or slander. It's easier then first grade math. But no, Americans are too tuned into strategists sound bites and tuned out of reality to call Axelrod's accusations what they are - racially motivated slander.
There is nothing wrong for voting for anyone you want to vote for, just remember that this person will be your president for the next four years. Try to take race and sex out of it. If you vote for Hilary because she's a woman then you're a fool. If you vote for Obama because he's black you're a fool. If you refuse to vote for Hilary because she's a woman then you're a fool. If you refuse to vote for Obama because he's black they you are a fool.
Vote for the candidate with the best track record that you believe will be able to do the best for you, your family and your country over the next four years.
Look at Bush Jr and how he has destroyed not only so many lives in America but in Iraq as well. Many of you voted for this moron. Think good and hard before you put anyone else in office.
Yes, we need change. A black man or a woman cannot bring true change simply because of the color of their skin or their gender.
This is your country. Own it. Learn about your candidates.
What is it you want in the next four years? Do you want better wages and living conditions for you and your family? From Clinton's track record I can only assume she can help you get there and will work hard to try.
Do you remember when her husband was first put in office and she took Health Care head on. She worked hard toward that goal as the media and politicians scoffed at her attempts to bring universal health care to our country. She pounded the pavement, learned and shared her knowledge. She was beat down and put in her place.
It was pathetic how our government never even gave her a chance... and yes, because she was a woman and because it would have hurt big business. But this woman kept coming back, she kept showing how much she cared for the average American, the working class, those who were getting by. Clinton knows most of America is not made up of the 1% who seem to be running the country as present. Clinton knows the country is made up of people like you and me and that this is our country and that we are the people she needs to serve. I know this because I've seen Clinton in action over the years. She's not a sound bite. She's a dedicated citizen of our country trying to make it a better place for all Americans.
The point is that what she looks like doesn't matter. Her actions matter. Her actions match the needs of this country. She can make this America a better place for all Americans and therefore a better place in the global economy which is a currently a huge American concern.
Honestly, I don't know much about Obama but each time I listen to him speak he's full of empty sound thirty seconds bites that don't seem to carry much weight. I'm worried that he doesn't actually have a plan but rather good a campaign which is fed to him.
We are finally getting rid of a completely moronic president who should never have been in office and didn't care about the needs of Americans. Instead he cared about big business, Haliburton an Exxon.
You better think beyond skin color and gender, start looking beyond sound bites and campaign strategies and start looking at who will help you, your family and your country succeed over the next four years. This is your country. Act like it!
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